The most important thing you can do to protect yourself (and others) from coronavirus

It’s difficult not to panic as the spread of coronavirus dominates both national and international news headlines. The virus, which began in China and has affected at least two dozen other countries to date, can cause respiratory illnesses like the common cold and pneumonia.

Doctors are still not completely certain how the virus is spread, but trends show that younger children are less at risk than older adults. Although we’re still learning about the virus, there are definitely things you can do to protect people (and yourself) from the infection.

One incredibly important (and simple) measure you can take to help stop the spread of coronavirus? Washing your hands.

According to pediatrician Dr. Aaron Carroll’s recent New York Times article, it’s important to wash your hands frequently and especially well before you eat or after you’ve blown your nose or sneezed. When you wash your hands, remember to wash them for at least 20 seconds to make sure they’re clean. If you have difficulty tracking the time, sing the “happy birthday” song (preferably in your head) twice from start to finish.

There’s almost nothing that you or your family can do that could better protect you from coronavirus and other infections. Learn more about the importance of hand washing and other precautions you can take here.


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