How Higi users can Assess and Navigate Diabetes Risk Alongside Covid-19

In November of 2019, Higi launched our on-station Diabetes Risk Test, which provides platform users with the ability to complete the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) questionnaire, paired with a weight test performed at our stations to receive a score for risk of developing type 2 diabetes. We knew from years of collecting body measurement data that a high percentage of our platform users could be at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Across the board, over 72% of blood pressure tests indicated risk (blood pressure reading of At Risk or higher, according to the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology guidelines), over 66% of weight tests indicated risk (overweight or heavier, using standard BMI calculations) and for platform users who completed both a blood pressure test and a weight test in the same session, 50% had at risk readings in both categories. While hypertension and obesity do not equate to diabetes risk, both are significant factors to consider. 

By providing consumers with a scored risk assessment, developed alongside the ADA, not only do we provide additional valuable personal health information, but we offer relevant guidance via a call-to-action based on that person’s particular risk.

Right away we saw that about 40% of those who took our diabetes risk assessment received a high-risk score, and with it, guidance on how to mitigate their risk through lifestyle modifications and a call-to-action to visit a doctor or pharmacist for clinical guidance and diagnosis.

Shortly after launch, the world as we knew it changed completely with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. This meant a hiatus for many of our stations as retail partners took precautions to support social distancing guidelines, thus putting a temporary pause on the availability of our risk tests. What we soon learned was that for those living with diabetes, Covid-19 was more likely to be severe or life threatening, resulting in hospitalization or death[1] more often than for those not living with diabetes. In addition, in a study seeking to understand the impact of unmanaged diabetes on Covid-19 severity, findings showed that patients with unmanaged diabetes had significantly greater severity.[2]

The additional risk for those living with managed or unmanaged diabetes elevated the importance of the knowledge associated with understanding and mitigating risk factors tied to the development of the disease. For Higi, the call-to-action was two-fold: first, ensuring consumers could safely understand their risk and gain the knowledge needed to act accordingly, and second, to develop additional solutions to support our users in effectively accessing the care and resources needed to address their health.

With the relevant guidance from the CDC, we were able to again offer free risk screenings for type 2 diabetes, as well as other risk factors associated with Covid-19 severity. In the past 6 months, consumers have completed over 370,000 Diabetes Risk Test on our platform, resulting in over 154,000 High Risk scores, with the opportunity to take action to mitigate personal risk. 

In service of our second objective, we launched Care Everyday, a clinician-led remote patient monitoring solution to help those living with chronic illness, including type two diabetes, more effectively access needed care and support remotely to manage their disease. For patients managing diabetes, the program ships a cellular-enabled blood glucose monitor and auto-replenishes consumables, including test strips, when the patient is running low. Monthly and as-needed support from a dedicated nurse care manager keeps patients engaged and on track with their care. Today, the program supports seniors covered by Medicare, and we’re partnering with health systems that value this type of care extension for their patients to help manage polychronic patient populations.

For healthcare organizations looking to educate and empower the community about chronic conditions, including diabetes, identify risk factors to help consumers get diagnosed sooner, and provide right-sized digital or virtual chronic condition management solutions that fit into the lives of their populations, the Higi omnichannel platform should be part of that approach. Our station network and platform meets consumers in the community with self-service tools and personalized digital education and our Care Everyday Remote Patient Monitoring offering provides the hands-on approach higher acuity consumers need to better manage their disease, address lifestyle factors, and stay on track with their care plans.




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