Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

In April, we talked about Healthy Aging, with a focus on the prevalence of chronic disease in older populations and the call-to-action for prevention earlier in life.  In this piece, we’re narrowing our focus to dementia, a condition risk that also increases with age, and offer the same call-to-action for earlier mitigation and a proactive approach to health and wellbeing for all.

Why is preventive care so important and what does it entail? The CDC tells us[1] that there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the same healthy behaviors shown to prevent chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes and heart disease have the same positive effect on preventing cognitive decline. That controllable risk factors like maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active and not smoking help us stay cognitively healthy into old age.


The Higi platform is built to identify and help consumers address chronic disease risks, including those that have been identified as contributors to dementia. According to the CDC, addressing risk factors may prevent or delay up to 40% of dementia cases.[1] By participating in our Heart Guide program, powered by the American Heart Association®, participants can identify their own personal health goals and receive clinically-based guidance and support to achieve them. Higi’s Heart Guide includes CarePlans provided to Higi by the American Heart Association®.

[1] CDC:

Another relevant and timely topic for aging populations: falls risk. Insights from our senior health program, Your Super Years, highlight the discrepancy between those who acknowledge they are at risk for a fall and those who use support devices. According to the CDC, more than 1 in 4 older adults fall each year, and one in 5 of those falls can cause serious injury, including a head injury. [1] It’s impossible to ignore the overlap between those at risk for dementia and those at risk for falls, as well as some key preventive measures, including a healthy diet and remaining physically active.

Supporting brain health is essential to managing overall health in aging populations, and the Higi platform aids care organizations in that effort with tools to identify risk factors and drive preventive action.



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